By pushing the testing boundaries to an unrivaled level, Bareiss has launched a new Rubber Process Analyzer. The RPA Ultra can run isothermal and non-isothermal time test, stress relaxation, frequency sweep, strain sweep and temperature sweep. It is not only capable of running oscillatory testing at a broader frequency range (10-3 Hz till 102 Hz) and strain range (unlimited strain LAOS). Our RPA Ultra is also capable of running a steady shear test in full rotation from 10-3 s-1 till 500 s-1 of shear rate. This breakthrough technology is unlike any commercially available RPA on the market today. Using this type of test, the instrument has successfully measured steady shear viscosity with high repeatability without the required corrections as in capillary rheometer testing, making pressure driven flow instruments less attractive for rubber compounds. The closed boundary configuration prevents edge fracture as commonly experienced with open boundary rheometers (DMA) on high viscosity, high elasticity materials.